Easy 4 Ingredient Strawberry Ice Cream
A creamy, perfectly sweet – yet customizable – homemade strawberry ice cream!
Servings Prep Time
4Servings 10Minutes
Passive Time
Servings Prep Time
4Servings 10Minutes
Passive Time
  1. Place all of your ingredients in your Blendtec Blender (if you don’t have one read notes below) and press the ice cream button.
  2. When complete, the ice cream should resemble a very runny soft serve ice cream.
  3. Pour the ice cream mixture into an airtight container* and freeze overnight.
  4. Once frozen, remove your container of icecream and allow it to sit at room temperature for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Scoop out your delicious ice cream and enjoy!
Recipe Notes


If you don’t have a Blendtec Blender, you can use a regular food processor. Make sure to pulse the mixture until smooth!

If you like your ice cream less sweet, add in half of the sweetened condensed milk first, then taste. Add more as needed.

This is the freezer container I use. It prevents freezer burn and makes scooping very easy. (affiliate link)

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